Collected Pit Data - Grand Forks

This folder contains data on other teams at whatever competition we're at. Feel free to use it however you see fit!

Using a private input service, we put all of our raw data from individual scouts in the samples directory. A python script merges these files on interval and puts them in the merged directory. If the latest merge differs from allsurveys, allsurveys is updated to the latest merge.

To use our data, simply import allsurveys.csv into your spreadsheet. We use Google Sheets and have it pull the data directly from here using the "=importdata(x)" function, supplying the url to download the file as x.

The data is formatted as [teamnumber(Int - Info), teamabsent (Bool - Info), teamname (Str - Profile), teamlocation (Str - Profile), robotname (Str - Profile), drivetype (Str - Specs), motortype (Str - Specs), totalwheels (Int - Specs), ballcapacity (Int - Specs), goalheight (Str - Specs), averagecycletime (Float - Specs), bounceoutpercentage (Float - Specs), weight (Float - Specs), climb (Bool - Eng), climbtarget (Int - Eng), climbtime (Float - Eng), pneumaticareas (Str - Eng), 3dprintedareas (Str - Eng), autocapability (Str - Code), limelightcapability (Str - Code), extracameras (Bool - Code), automaticsensors (Bool - Code), like&dislikegame (Str - Other), additionalinfo (Str - Other)]. It's in the same order as the csv.

--Joseph Melancon, Scouting Organizer

--TEAM 4198, WACONIA, MN 55387